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What to Do If You Get a Speeding Ticket in California

Traffic Ticket California

As any Southern California native knows, traffic can be brutal and make it difficult to get to places on time. But if you’re running late and you think pedal to the metal is the way to go, think again.

Speeding is not only one of the most common traffic citations issued in the state of California—which also happens to rank 4th on the list of states that receive the most driving citations—but speeding tickets in the Golden State also happen to be one of the most expensive in the entire United States. And the number of citations issued is increasing every year. If you were caught speeding, chances are you don’t have time to deal with the ticket and the court dates that come along with it. Contact the Southern California speeding ticket attorneys at Fight My Ticket today for a free consultation. Fill out the form or call us at 1-800-655-7505.

Speeding tickets can be a serious offense. Costs can easily get out of control if you let the obligation get by you. Let us handle everything from start to finish. The attorneys at Fight My Ticket are experts with over 20 years of experience, and we may be able to get your ticket reduced or altogether dismissed. We know how to negotiate with law enforcement to get the results you need.

Facts About Speeding Tickets In California

Speeding tickets happen for numerous reasons. You might be late for work or rushing to an important meeting, but if you are caught going over the speed limit in the Golden State be prepared for your wallet to take a big hit. First you will pay a base fine, depending on how many MPH you were going over.

  • Speeding between 1 and 15 mph over the limit results in a $35 base fine.
  • Speeding between 16 and 25 mph over the limit results in a $70 base fine.
  • Speeding between 26 and 99 mph over the limit results in a $100 base fine.
  • Speeding 100 or more mph over the speed limit results in a $200 base fine. 

Some speed racers might think these ticket fees are nothing to fret about, but unfortunately, the base fee is just the beginning of your payment. In many cases Californians pay 6 times the cost of the base fine of the original speeding ticket after various surcharges and assessments are added. The state charges 20 percent surcharge on every traffic ticket. Other fees may include:

  • EMS Surcharge
  • DNA Penalty Assessment
  • State Penalty Assessment
  • County Penalty Assessment
  • Court Facility Construction Penalty Assessment

After all is said and done, your initial $35 ticket might easily end up being over $300. As you can deduct, giving out speeding tickets is a pretty lucrative deal for the state, which makes some traffic cops very eager to hand them out. There is a good chance your ticket might have been unwarranted. It is within your legal right to contest your speeding ticket.

Consequences Of A Speeding Ticket

Speeding tickets usually end up being two points on your driving record. That means the cost of your insurance is going to go up, and with a certain amount of points your driver’s license can be suspended as well. 

Avoid Paying Your Expensive Speeding Ticket

Many people don’t realize that they have the right to fight their speeding ticket. Our attorneys will gather evidence and figure out your best line of defense. Don’t feel pressured to pay your ticket right away, speak to us first to review all your options. We can help you contest any type of speeding ticket.

Contact A California Speeding Ticket Attorney

Speeding tickets happen to the best of drivers. If you received a speeding ticket, we can help. Contact the Southern California speeding ticket attorneys at Fight My Ticket today for a free consultation. Fill out the form or call us at 1-800-655-7505.

Ticket Fighting 101 Guides by Fight My Ticket

Fight My Ticket brings quick, easy, and inexpensive legal service to traffic ticket clients. With over 20 years of experience, our lawyers have successfully defended individuals, celebrities and well-known executives against all types of charges. Our lawyers represent both in-state and out-of-state motorists cited with traffic violations across Southern California.

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